
Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Win wine! hic....

Not one to pass up on the chance of some free booze, I've quickly completed a survey on good old Mumsnet that I came across this evening.  If you'd like to be in with a chance of winning to, simple get on mumsnet and answer their survey about wine tasting! dead easy and someone has to win :-)  A case of wine is up from grabs 'Mont Tauch' from France apparently.  Good Luck!

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Gadget Show

Well the lovely Gadget Show sent me another text to win some of their lovely prizes, so hey, I did it, after all my mini winning challenge blog is only up till Xmas anyway, so what's £1.50 to enter once every few weeks between now and then? what! do I hear you cry, that's a loaf of bread and some change, or 3 pints of milk, yessss I know, but what about all those lovely gadgets I may very vaguely stand a chance of winning......well a girls gotta do something whilst waiting for a delivery of boxes to box the house into (and believe you me, I'd rather be at work doing the accounts, you wouldn't believe how far behind I am on that! and end of month and year is looming with associated VAT returns to do.....gah.....) total irony that I can't even use the time to box the house, as I'm waiting for them to be delivered......

Monday, 22 November 2010

Moving House, so lets try to win a new TV!

Yikes, gibber etc, we're moving house next Monday, so if the blog does go a little AWOL for a few days/weeks you'll know why (no internet when we 1st move!)
Anyway as our TV is about 10 years old and the sounds packed up last week....but revived itself again, I figured trying to win a 32" TV wouldn't go amiss.
If you wanna join me, it's lurking on the Daybreak Competition site! courtesy of Plenty (the kitchen towel people)

Saturday, 20 November 2010

Wanna win some wellies???

Ok, sorry I'm not doing good at blogging this week, I thought I'd blogged on Thurs and not Fri, but appears I blogged last on Wed, which is not good!
The reason for my failings are to do with us trying to sort out moving house, you'll be pleased to know as we are too that it's all slowly coming together, but I'll have proper confirmation of what's happening on Monday!

Meanwhile I've found a lovely competition to enter on Clover - yep that's the buttery/margarine stuff, that's churned like butter - but half the fat!! They're giving away a family set of hunter wellies, and seeing as we're moving to what could be construed as Hunter Wellies territory (a village! although it's barely in the countryside anymore if the city next door get's its way that green belt will be gone....) I thought we'd better try and win some! so if you fancy joining me, you need the pack code from the front of your pack of clover and  The draw is happening every sunday until end of Nov, and then anothe final draw in Feb! go for it (if it snows this winter you may need them where ever you are!)

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

White Stuff Vouchers

I've done a quick mumsnet competition tonight, well actually it's a questionaire on the display of 'mens' magazines with the random winner being picked from all those who complete the survey to get £150.00 worth of vouchers for The White Stuff, and as I love their clothes, though don't actually own any, due to lack of time and money to shop at the moment! So hey 'waves' let me win!! I need to SHOP!!!

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Gadget show competition

So a very quick and easy one today, it's this weeks Gadget Show competition, which they kindly texted me with, as I'd entered before and seeing as I'm doing this blog and haven't had time to research anything at all today, due to being busy at work, I thought hey, go on then, so their targeting of their audience (SUCKER) has worked nicly in this case! still I may be surprised and sitting amidst a pile of gadgets by this time next week, you never know :-)

Monday, 15 November 2010

Channel 4 Competitions

So whilst I scoff the last chocolate cake from our tin (I know you think I'm evil for doing this, but I am cooking another batch of plain sponge as I type) let me tell you about todays competition offering.  Those of you who know me, will know I like to tinker with house design ideas, even though I never have the time or money to put them into practice, so todays competition will just help me dream a little more! it's to win the grand designs 3d software package :-) so I can plan extensions and re models galore, whilst not actually costing myself or my beloved a penny!!  You never know, this design tool could come in useful for friends and family too, as seeing what things look like in 3D can spur you onto make those house change decisions that you'd otherwise ignore, and you get a better place to live in whilst your at it too :-) (although it may cost you a bit in the short term, lalalala, not listening in fantasy land!)

I also found on that webiste the True Blood competition which closes on the 18th! they're looking for photos of people as Vampires! (moi do a thing like that) they want you and your fangs, so if you fancy going for it, get UPLOADING your photos fast!

Friday, 12 November 2010

Oooh it's a late one

A quick squeeze in here for todays competition!

I've hit the mumsnet competition pages today and come up with a few!

Win some mukluks (kinda like uggs, but in a fitflop stylie! fitflops for winter if you like!)
plus, win £200 to spend at Sainsb's or Toys r us and another which was Win £100 to spend with an online clothing company.

Well you never know, can't beat quick and easy competitions eh!

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Naughty Me!

Yikes forgot to post yesterday, 'muppet' dunno what I was busy doing though? anyway on with the blog!

Todays competition is Sainsburys Magazines monthly jolly for a total of 6 items this month, pots n pans, jewllery, smellies, glasses and a stay at Riber Hall (it's only down the road as well!)
text SB12 followed by a space, your name, address and tel no to 85088 and it could all be yours!!
I'll post a double competition tomorrow to make up for missing yesterday, which incidently I didn't as far as competitions go, I have entered one, I'm just out of time to tell you about it now, as have a friend popping in! hurrah for an evening of company other than just the internet, or the dulcet sounds of poor A snoring as he's shattered and inevitably fallen asleep on the sofa.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Gadget time

Well it appears that if you enter the Gadget Show competition just the once, they bother you again and again via text to enter the next one, so of course I did, just imagine what I could do with a pile of gadgets???!!!  (no doubt have lots of fun and get mightily confused on the odd occasion, but hey FREE STUFF, well bar the quid or so it costs to enter.)  So that's my competition for today :-)

Monday, 8 November 2010

Mondays Competition

Here's a nice quick one for monday and may just help out with the Xmas shopping

House of Fraser are giving away a £500 gift card on 22nd Dec, for those last minute spending purchases that you JUST have to grab!   Go on, enter and spoil yourselves!

Friday, 5 November 2010

Fridays Competition

Well I'm sat listening at a variety of whizz, bang, crashes from outside, whilst inside both kids keep yelling that they can't get to sleep because of the noise, sigh, the joys of fireworks! It's a shame we can see half of what we can hear, or it'd be a lovely night in! with a cracking view! eh well.
Todays competition comes courtesy of our local newspaper, I logged on earlier to check out the news and got a survey offering me £50 in Amazon vouchers, so of course I said yes, I'll take your survey! simple really and you never know eh!

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Win a Family Holiday in New York!  follow this link and give it a go guys, it's for a 5 day, pre xmas holiday in New York, I have no idea why I've entered (bar the fact I LOVE New York) as we may well be having to move house in the weeks leading upto Xmas! but hey I'm sure I can fit in a trip to good old NYC around the solicitors and the removals guys and work....that we can't actually leave! oh what the heck, maybe I can leave dh to work and take a mum friend!  Theres also an instant win chance for a Disney Store toy linked in, but I didn't win on that, bah!

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Ipad and a sorta win?

Well today I've entered a McVities competition that I found on the 'Daybreak' ITV site, to win an IPAD, I like those, I've played on my friends one 'adopts stalker pose' and thus I'd like a free one of my own :-)

Meanwhile back at Chez Friz, I had an email with a sort of mini win on it, well it would be if I could use it!
Walkers said, hey you, have a free win a tenner play on us, so I logged onto do it, only to find out that all the plays for the 4th Nov have been taken, bah! gotta wait until tomorrow am for the next set to be available.....I shall try again!

Monday, 1 November 2010

It's November!

Well hope you all had a good night out trick or treating yesterday? Here we are 1st November, my beautiful 1st daughters birthday :-) she's a whopping 7 today! where does the time go?  I spent yesterday partying with her, so hopefully she's had a lovely time.

Soooo what competitions does November hold for us?

Yep, it's time to forget the dreary English Weather and try and win some Spanish Sunshine, courtesy of Olives from Spain! failing that there's a cookery class up for grabs too.  If you fancy your chances, follow the link, you've gotta be in it, to win it.