
Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Here we go!

This blog is dedicated to my little bid to change my own corner of the world, it's my little spot of positivity, or one could also call it stupidity in the face of adversity? depends if your glass is half full or half empty I guess?  So am I going to bother you all with my attempts at positive thinking? well I may, but I've decided the best and cheapest way to cheer myself up is by trying to win things! because let's face it, we all like to recieve goodies and surprise ones at that!
I've decided that I'm going to attempt to enter a competition a day for the rest of the year! and who knows I may just WIN something!  if I don't at least I can say I tried and who knows, I may just provide some of you out there with the impetus to enter a few competitions for the win as well. 
My aim is to list the competitions I've entered on here, so you can all join in if you wish.  If anyone out there sees a good one for me to enter I'd appreciate it if you'd leave me some comments.  If I win, of course I'll be letting you guys know all about the goodies.
I'm going to post about my first bit of good luck, after this post, I hope you enjoy reading about it.

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